Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Cafe Royal-sale!

I had an idea the other day, 20% off everything except postage. So that's what we're doing, until the end of April. Pay as normal and we'll refund 20% excluding postage.
I had another idea today, give away free zines. So that's what we're doing, until the end of Sunday. Just send postage to paypal@caferoyal.org via Paypal. £2 UK, £3 INTL and we'll send you a Café Royal zine.
The two offers above can't be combined, sorry.
We'll be at the Liverpool artists book fair, June 20th and 21st. We have a plethora of new publications launching that weekend.
I was interviewed for Dialogue. The first is out now, two more to come. There's some books coming out too, and Varoom magazine that I have a few words in.
If you're around Porto, Portugal on May 23rd come to Dama Aflita. I have a solo show opening that night. 300 drawings, 1200 drawing pins.
Café Royal 5 is coming. 11 great artists so far. A couple more to find. Please submit in the usual way - check the site for details.
As you may have gathered from the last shambles of an email I sent, we're on Twitter. @caferoyal. And Last FM. caferoyalbzpd.